

Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC)

In mainstream secondary schools, physical education (PE) teachers may not have enough knowledge to adapt sports to allow for inclusive play between students with disabilities and able-bodied students, and they may not have access to para-sports equipment to coach students with disabilities. ParaAble will equip schools to offer para sports for students with disabilities, and promote inclusion in the student community.

Based on the students’ level of interest, SDSC will offer two avenues to further advance para-sports in a school:
A) Adapted Sports: SDSC will equip a school to adapt an existing CCA to accommodate students with disabilities. Teachers will be trained to adapt the sport and a detailed lesson plan will enable teachers to conduct training sessions on their own in the future. Specialised equipment will also be loaned to the school.

B) Para-Sports: There will be a centralised para-sport programme established at an Active SG facility, offering para-sports specially designed for persons with disabilities.