Study on Grief and Bereavement


Singapore Hospice Council

To provide such bereavement support for family members affected by a death, there is a need to:
- Understand the experiences with, and attitudes about, bereavement in Singapore
- Survey the availability and appropriateness of existing bereavement care services
- Build up capability and capacity of the health and social care sectors in bereavement support

This study comprised three components:

1. Needs Analysis
- Establishing baseline of existing bereavement services through interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys on the available psychosocial services in health institutions.
- Understanding the practical, spiritual, psychological, emotional and social support that bereaved individuals need, and how service providers can respond to them.

2. Community Practice Framework
Formulating a framework for bereavement care in the community, including care pathways and standards, as well as a directory of service providers and their services.

3. Capability Building
Building capability and piloting programmes on holistic bereavement care in the community to provide support for bereaved persons in Singapore.