Temasek Foundation recognises the importance of providing a website that is accessible to the largest possible audience. As such we have made every effort to ensure that our site can be easily used by all users, including those with disabilities.
We are committed to maintaining compliance with the appropriate accessibility guidelines and will continue to monitor future releases of our website in this regard.
We believe that this website meets or exceeds the requirements of the level A criteria of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (WCAG WAI) 2.0 guidelines.
We have provided ‘skip to content’ links to allow direct access past the navigation menu to the page’s main content.
You can change the text size by using your browser’s text resize option.
Alternative text has been provided where an image conveys essential information for the meaning of the page - for example a diagram about how to do something. Where an image is purely decorative alternative text is superfluous information and has therefore been omitted to aid the processing of content by assistive technologies.
All heading have been used to represent page structure, supporting assistive technologies that facilitate page navigation.
All hyperlinks should make sense when read out of context, and hyperlinks are clearly presented in a different text style from normal body text.
Where JavaScript or other scripts are used for navigation or functionality, an alternative mechanism has been put in place in case your browser does not support these scripts.
We have checked text and background colour combinations to ensure that the contrast is sufficient and we have also ensured that information is not represented by colour alone.
We have used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the presentation of pages and have used properly structured markup for content. If style sheets are not supported or are turned off, information on the site can still be accessed and read.
For further information regarding accessibility on the internet the following link may be of some use: World Wide Web consortium – Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
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Some browsers may open Adobe Acrobat documents directly into the browser window. If you wish to save documents to your computer simply right click on the link to the document and choose the 'Save Target As...' option.