Synergies in Innovations

Advancing Science for a Sustainable World

A NEU Type of Lithium Battery

Shoring up Singapore’s Food Security with Innovative Technology

Mitigating Climate Change Through Mangrove Restoration

A NEU Type of Lithium Battery

As the demand for electric vehicles soars worldwide, there is a severe shortage of lithium to make batteries that power these vehicles. Recycling lithium-ion batteries can solve this problem, but current recycling methods are costly, difficult to scale and often pollute the environment.

Supported by Temasek Foundation, Singapore start-up NEU Battery Materials aims to recycle lithium batteries to produce battery-grade raw materials. Its patented scalable technology uses electrochemical separation to recycle lithium batteries in a clean and sustainable manner.

This solution produces close to zero waste and minimal carbon emissions. It also creates a circular value chain and reduces the supply risks for lithium batteries. NEU Battery Materials is currently building a pilot plant to process the batteries in Singapore. It expects to begin commercialising its solution by 2023.

Shoring up Singapore’s Food Security with Innovative Technology

Mitigating Climate Change Through Mangrove Restoration